WOD Wednesday, 30th July

Group 1
1) Deadlift, 1×8@ 55%, 1×8 @ 60%, 1×8 @ 65%, 1×8 @ 70%, rest 3 minutes

2) For Time,
Run 200m
Thrusters, 40kg/25kg
Box Jumps, 60cm/50cm

Group 2
1) For Time,
500m-400m-300m-200m-100m Row
10-8-6-4-2 Deadlift, 180kg/110kg

2) 3 x ME Strict HSPU, rest 2 minutes

3) OT2ndM x 5
5 Power Snatch TnGo, 60kg/40kg
30m Sled Push (15m Up & Back)
*Go heavy enough that the first 15m is fast, and last half of 2nd 15m back gets tough and starts to slow down.

30 thoughts on “WOD Wednesday, 30th July

  1. Wod1- 85kg 11.44
    Strict hspu – 4 in total ONLY AN ABMAT #yeehah #movingupintheworld #worthgettingupat4.10amfor
    Wod2- 35kg PS 35kg sled + 20kg #withasideofalmostspue #quadsonfire

  2. Wod 1: 10:53 @95kg
    Strict HSPU done with knees on box
    Wod2: done @ 35kg PS and 20kg plate on the sled, didn’t realise I was using the 45kg sled!!! No wonder I struggled 😦

  3. WOD: 9.45 90kg
    Strict HSPU: 1 to ground each round …
    1+10 abmat
    1+ 5 abmat w black 10s each side
    1+ 4 abmat w black 15s each side
    OT2M: Rx blue sled + 20
    First time I’ve experienced quad cramp in my life….fun times 😳 LOL

  4. DL: 50, 54, 58, 63
    WOD: 10 box jumps/thrusters off of finishing
    @ 20kg (thank god tomorrow is Thursday, I need a rest).

  5. Dl off 105
    Wod rx 20 mins with 9 box jumps and 10 thrusters not completed

    Am I saying stuff right yet? Crossfit is confusing

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