Another week of Winter down….

Hey Crew!
Another great week of training! Some PB power snatches, PB legless rope climbs, big efforts on the Row/burpee workout 🤢, JVB smashing out bar muscle ups after hitting her first a couple weeks ago, and big improvements in weightlifting technique across the board, just to name a few…
Our Check-in count was up to 292 for the week, from 282 the previous week! Awesome work! Let’s see if we can get it to 300 workouts done this week! And Book-ins don’t count to the total, you’ve gotta be Checked-in at the gym…

WOD Friday, 3rd August

1- Weightlifting
A. OT1:30 x 7
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean & Jerk

B. Split Press
5 x 3

2- Strength
C1. Front Rack Lunge Steps, 3 x 8, each side, rest 1:00
C2. Split Stance RDL’s, 3 x 5 each side, rest 1:00.

CrossFit Extra 4:00 Class
1- Gymnastics
30 Bar Muscle Ups For Time

WOD Thursday, 2nd August

Recovery workout or catch up on a workout you missed during the week.

1- Recovery
30:00 @ a conversational pace.
10m Bear Crawl
10 Goblet Squats, 20kg/12kg
1:00 Couch Stretch L & R
5 Kip Swings
1 TGU L & R
1:00 Childs Pose
1:00 Bottom of Goblet Squat

WOD Wednesday, 1st August

1- Weightlifting
A. OT1:30 x 9
1- 3 Snatches + 1 OHS
2- 2 Snatches + 1 OHS
3- 1 Snatch + 1 OHS
*Power Snatch for as long as you can.
*Aim to increase weight each wave.
Example. 70,75,80, – 75,80,85, – 80,85,90

B. Back Squat
4 x 5 @ 80%, rest 3:00

2- Gymnastics
For Time,
Strict Pull Ups
Rest 1:30

CrossFit Extras 4:00 Class
A. Tall Power Snatch 5 x 3, rest 2:00
B. Vertical Hang Muscle Snatch, 4 x 3, rest 2:00

C. For Time & Quality
2 Rounds
12/9 Cal AirBike
8 FS, 80kg/55kg
12/9 Cal Row
10 DB Snatch, 32.5kg/22.5kg
10m SA OH Walking Lunge, 32.5kg/22.5kg
Rest 3:00

WOD Tuesday, 31st July

1- Conditioning
‘Mikkos Triangle’
OTM x 40
1- AirBike
2- Row
3- Ski
4- Rest

Aim to hold same calories across all rounds.

Click HERE for when we did 8 rounds.


OTM x 40
1- Row
2- Rest
3- Row
4- Rest

We can only run 16 people through Mikkos Triangle, so if there is more than 16 in a class there will be the Row workout for those that choose to do it or draw the short straw, literally.


Hey Crew!
I hope posting the full week of programming on the Sunday is helping you plan your weeks out.
Keep bringing your full effort and commitment, some real good numbers throughout the past week, let’s keep it rolling! Winter is the toughest time of year to stay consistent in your training and also your nutrition. I’m pumped to see so many powering through the cold (especially the 5:45am warriors, everybody respects that level of tough!), It definitely inspires me to make sure I get the work done when I see so many smashing it day in day out. If you’re having trouble getting motivated and are skipping a few too many sessions, try and feed off the people around you that are getting after it whenever they can. Also, remember you’re why! Find your internal motivation again.
Cheers! See you soon!