WOD Tuesday, 22nd July

Group 1
1) Press, 1×12 @ 50%, 1×12 @ 55%, 1×12 @ 60%, rest 4 minutes

2) 5×5 Strict Pull Ups, rest 1 minute

3)) For Time,
4 Rounds
25 Burpees
25 Box Jumps, 60cm/50cm

Group 2
1) Snatch Pulls, 3×2, rest 2 minutes

2) Clean Pulls, 3×2, rest 2 minutes
*Snatch and Clean Pulls should be HEAVY! 120%ish

3) OTM x 10
3 Strict C2Bar
3 Deficit kipping HSPU
*Go for a big deficit for you, that you can hit 3 UB reps out.
**If you fail a rep, all good. Reset and go again next minute, only attempt 10 rounds though.

4) Reverse Tabata Hollow Hold
8 x 10:20

5) 6 x 500m Row, rest 1:1
*Aim to hold the same pace each set. By same pace I mean within .3 of a second either side of your goal pace.
Eg. 10 x 500m Row @ 1:37 pace.
Fastest round 1:36.7
Slowest round 1:37.3
Set a pace boat if it helps, but your focus should be more on maintaining a constant pace, not getting out in front early and then backing off when you’re tired at the end. Work hard on this please and post your fastest and slowest time.
**Set rower to 500m intervals and set rest to your pace target, don’t double up as in 1 works while other rests. If more than 4 in one class, all good to get a group start on the row to save waiting at the end for a rower.

32 thoughts on “WOD Tuesday, 22nd July

  1. Snatch Pulls- 100kg
    Clean Pulls- 120kg
    OTM- deficit HSPU 1 blue plate āœ…
    Reverse tabata- āœ…
    Row- 148.4 – 148.7

  2. SP: 55-75-75kg
    CP: 85-85-85kg
    C2B: 2xbw 8xy (most UB, getting better)
    HSPU: blue and green
    Hollows: āœ”ļø
    Row: Aim 1:50 (Brioni thanks for the belief-or trying to kill me, not sure which šŸ˜³)
    2.03.8 (almost died at 250m)
    Next time try 1:55 maybe šŸ˜¬

  3. Snatch pulls: 70kg
    Clean Pulls: 85kg
    C2b: Bw
    HSPU: floor
    Row: aim (1:55) 1:55.6, 1:54.7, 1:54.5, 1:53.8, 1:53.9, 1:53.5

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